Business Value.

I help companies grow their business through data

Nice to meet you...

Data provides companies a comprehensive understanding of their customers and their needs.

I consult and help businesses who wish to plan or improve their data and analytics capabilities, in order to optimize their business performance.

I help businesses to:

  • Become more data-driven
  • Make decisions based on a thorough understanding of their customers and their needs, using their business data
  • Design/build data analytics capabilities
  • Transform the data into an asset and leverage it to create a competitive advantage
  • Optimize the product offering, marketing, services and other processes in the business

My goal is to help businesses translate data into actionable business insights, that will eventually be translated into financial value-
increase in revenues and/or cost reduction.

We can reach that via:

  • Building the analytics and business performance platform, based on understanding the needs of all the business units/ stakeholders in the company

  • Choosing the right tools that will answer the business analytics requirements

  • Defining, controlling and measuring company’s KPIs

  • Transforming raw data into actionable business insights

  • Improving the business performance by research of data and quantitative analysis

  • Supporting decision making based on facts and solid data

  • Creating a good communication and work processes between the different units in the company, to make the analytics productive and more efficient

The Process

Business Analysis

Review your business model and goals, short and long term strategy, as well as marketing plans.

Learn about your business questions and problems

Business KPIs

Define and develop your business Key Performance Indicators.

The business KPIs will allow you to raise alerts, identify trends, and create a comprehensive view of the business

Data Exploration

Explore your database and current reports, and perform a gap analysis between the required and existing data

Data Analysis

Calculation and analysis of business KPIs , trends, irregularities and specific business problems, that were raised

Business Analytics Applications

Improving Customer Experience

A/B testing, new features, cross sell, customer’s journey and conversion optimization


 Using data and user’s behavior to decide on the pricing strategy per product/ segment

Customer Segmentation

Segmenting the customers into different groups, based on several factors (e.g. geography, demographics, user behavior, loyalty levels, etc.)

Promotions and Retention

Design of special offers and promotions to the different segments, bonus management, user loyalty, reduction of churn rate

Payment Methods

Improving e-payments offering to the customers, optimization of fees

Risk Control
Fraud Detection

Detection and Prevention of fraudulent activity (e.g. chargebacks), risk reduction of bonuses with significant spend, and more

Marketing- Acquisition Optimization

Detection of failure/ success factors in the user’s journey (funnel), real time analysis of campaigns, LTV and more

Inventory Management and Optimization

Based on analysis of seasonal effects, trends and forecasting of future events

Supply Chain Strategy and Management

Based on analysis of shipment and delivery times, shipment costs and more factors

and Control

Based on statistical analysis and forecasting (bottom-up) and business strategy (top-down)

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